Samfurniss 25th January 2018

When we heard the news, we simply couldn’t believe it and find it hard to believe it even now. It is so hard to put into words what Dan meant to us – he was so loveable and we shared many cuddles, chats, laughs, beers, dancing, fancy dress and of course the birth of our babies, we were one big extended family. We have so many fun memories of Dan too; gyrating in a Babygro with no underwear is a personal favourite but we also loved his kindness; taking the girls out to movies (especially appreciated as a result of one of those “Ella less” days was Ollie’s appearance 9 months later!) and showing of his culinary talents to raise money for our charity. He really touched our lives and we will be forever thankful that we were given the chance to have known him. There’s a great big Dan shaped hole in our lives which won’t ever be filled, we will never forget you Dan. To be honest, we can’t really imagine the future without you in it but one thing we do promise is that we will always be here for Marie, Ayesha and Joy – they will be safe, loved and cared for in the close network that you helped create. We will miss your friendship each and every day – more than words can say. Goodnight friend, we love you xx Mick, Sam, Ella Rose & Ollie xxxx